« We live in the Age of the Non Sequitur, where everything has stopped making sense as we link from one unrelated story to another; segue ruthlessly from “crackhead with no arms destroying a hotel lobby in South Beach” to an ad for the “secret” of “Perfect Abs”. Jump from the “secret truth” about Fukushima to the “secret truth” about Kim Kardashian. Our hyper-mediated relationship with reality takes us around the world every day in eighty clicks and yet we are neither “here” nor “there”, our quantum “self” snapping in and out of existence, our telepresence bubbling into view for a millisecond before it moves on – so much binary spume floating on a scummy digital sea. Thank GOD for Fabio Paleari. » – David Dorrell
Fabio Paleari est photographe, né à Milan. Ses photos et vidéos , intenses, sont autant de journaux intimes, relatants ses expériences et ses émotions. Chaque image révèle une narration construite d’éléments concrets d’espace et de temps; un équilibre délicat entre subjectivité et objectivité. Le conflit qui existe entre doux et dur, détaché et intime, brillant et graveleux, est omniprésent, rendant ses portraits à la fois tendres et explosifs. Cette dualité n’étonne pas étant donné la relation étroite de l’artiste avec des poètes de la « Beat Generation » comme Allen Ginsberg et William S. Burroughs, et l’influence du théoricien situationniste Guy Debord, qui partage avec Fabio la vision d’une forme d’art » vivant « . Même si le photographe cible souvent une génération et une région particulière, l’oeil anthropologue de Fabio détourne le reportage froid et pur vers quelque chose d’autant plus méditatif. Sa capacité unique à capter l’éphémère fait de lui un des photographes les plus singuliers et profonds de la scène italienne actuelle.
Fabio Paleari is a Milan-born photographer whose highly charged photographs and videos form an intimate diary of experience and emotion. In each shot there lies a revelatory storytelling depicted within the concrete parameters of time and space; a delicate balance between subjectivity and objectivity. The conflict between soft and harsh, detached and intimate, glossy and gritty is omnipresent, making his portraiture at once tender and explosive. This explosivity comes as no surprise given the artist’s extensive relationship with beat generation poets such as allen ginsberg and william s. Burroughs, and the influence of situationist theorist guy debord, which meld with Fabio’s personal vision in a totally ‘living’ art form. Though his subject matter often typifies a specific generation or location, fabio’s instinctively anthropological eye encourages a move from wholly dispassionate reportage to something altogether more meditative, his innate ability to capture the fleeting leading to his reputation as one of italy’s most personal and profound photographers.